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Allowances and lavish gifts are exchanged for the company of youth and intimate sexual favours. According to a Forbes report, the website earns at least $30-40 million every year.Īlso read: Indian women are getting assaulted on Tinder dates and no one knows how to stop itĪ sugar relationship is an arrangement between a wealthy, older sugar daddy (or mommy) and a decade(s)-younger, financially-needy sugar baby. This was when he introduced Udita to, the world’s largest site for sugar relationships, founded in 2006 by MIT alumnus Brandon Wade. Can I be your sugar daddy?” he asked Udita, revealing his desire to engage in a BDSM relationship. “You are smart, beautiful, and in need of money. She kept running into him till they became acquainted, and Udita confided in him about her financial problems. Around that time, she met a 40-something executive at a multi-national company who looked uncannily like George Clooney. New Delhi: Twenty-two-year-old Udita Pal’s career prospects were bleak after she quit her marketing job. Online dating in India is gradually deviating from the mainstream, with sugar babies waiting to be ‘leashed & collared’ and bisexual couples seeking threesomes.

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